What’s on my bookshelf

Somehow Erica, the sharpest cookie, noticed that I have a bookshelf and asked what was on it. So, because I got nuthin better to do I decided to (sorta) catalog it. Here goes… [PS Erica, I hope you server can handle the extra 2 viewers your gonna get because I linked to you ;) ] … Continued

Ubuntu and me

I needed a server. A file server to be exact. I will later document my search for parts, but I felt like I had to share my experiences with Ubuntu as the operating system. To start off, I initially looked at FreeNAS for the operating system. FreeNAS is short for Free Network Attached Storage. It … Continued

Computer for Sale

As some of you might already know, I’m selling a computer. This is most of the pieces from my desktop workstation before my latest round of upgrades. A lot of blood sweat and tears has gone into this machine. None of the components are more than a year and a half old, except for the … Continued

Computers, Computers, Computers

[sung to the tune of Developers, Developers, Developers] Over the last few months I’ve had my hands in almost half a dozen computers with various builds and upgrades. If I get around to it, I’ll put up some pics of each of them. First up, was little brother’s new computer. He’s been rocking a Dell … Continued