Trailers for my list of summer movies. Edge of Tomorrow, Interstellar, Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Lucy Trailer
Lucy is forced into being a drug mule for an exotic mind enhancing drug. Things don’t go quite as planned and the lovely Scarlett Johansson meets up with the always awesome Morgan Freeman in this Luc Besson directed flick. Luc Besson directed one of my fav movies of all time, The Professional, along with the Fifth … Continued
Friday FTW
Wednesday Video Trailers
Saw a couple of good trailers today over at AICN. The Clash of the Titans. A remake, but it looks good at least. The trailer is a little hard to follow since it’s a lot of jump-cuts, but overall it looks like there is a Medusa, a huge scorpion, and lots of fighting. KICK-ASS. Based … Continued
Badass Movies
When will people learn? You just don’t mess with the unassuming normal looking guy. Mel Gibson is back. They kill his daughter. He thinks it’s because of him… or is it? View the trailer for Edge of Darkness at Yahoo! Movies. Don’t mess with Gerard either. They kill his wife and daughter. The lawyers accept … Continued