SPOILERS AND PURE SPECULATION AHEAD! I’ll admit, I’m making a bit of a reach here in guessing the Star Wars VII plot. No shame in that. I’m going out on a limb based on bits from two different articles from AintItCoolNews‘ Harry. Specifically “Harry gets all STAR WARSY again” and “STAR WARS EPISODE VII’s working … Continued
Edge of Tomorrow Trailer
Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer 2
The plot as appears in this trailer is nothing like what I expected. Mark Wahlberg plays a dad in the country trying to put his kids through school. Completely unrelated to any previous movies. I don’t see any sign of any previous characters, at least in the trailer. Looks like Optimus Prime is found as … Continued
Tuesday Trailers: Cap, Ronin, XMen, Hobbits, Katniss, Ender
Ender’s Game, Final Official Trailer
Looks like this is the final, official trailer. I’m sure there will be some TV spots before the films release this winter. The visuals look spectacular. Every snippet of trailer and image that has been leaked looks great. There are some strong actors involved.
I’m looking forward to this film, but I have my doubts.