Let’s start of with the International “Seed Bank” being built in Norway. No, not THAT kind of seed bank as its also affectionately called the “Doomsday Vault.” Now, I did not know this, but apparently, all over the world are “banks” which hold seeds of all different types of crops such as rice and wheat. In case of an emergency such as alien attack, global warming, disease, or locusts swarm, you have seed to fall back on. Most countries have a bank that contains “their” seeds, but many are in varying degrees of safety either physical (think african countries ravaged by civil war), ecological (think too hot or wet or cold), or financial. So now they are building an International one sponsored by many countries and housed in the coldest place still reasonably accessible by the civilized nations.
Top 10 Hybrid Animals. A list of cross-breeding animals like the Liger (half Lion, half Tiger) or Cama (half camel, half llama). Makes you wonder what else you could cross-breed. Is there a limit to how genetically similar you have to be? Also some of the comments are kinda funny…
Engadget has this story about a USB Teddy bear. Sounds cute, right? Check out the photos before you order one for your kids…
“John Tucker Must Die” is another one of those teenybopper movies, but the chicks in it are well worth watching the trailer…
And to top off the cake, here is a link to “For what it’s worth” a blog by Bryce Zabel who speaks about a alternate take on the Star Trek universe that he and J. Michael Straczynski came up with back in 2004. The blog entry is pretty interesting unto itself (touches on Stephen Hawking’s recent news among other stuff) and there is a link to the outline they came up with. Very interesting.