X-Men Days of Future Past, promo reels

Michael Fassbender as Magneto

I am HIGHLY anticipating this movie. So much so that I may not wait until it’s out on BluRay and may actually venture out amongst the horde of unwashed masses to see this movie in public. Check out the latest trailer and a few promo reels highlighting Magneto, Blink, Beast, Quicksilver, Wolverine, & Mystique. Looks … Continued

Jack and Logan

Lost season 87 is coming up in January. I’m eagerly awaiting since I’m hoping to finally get some answers to the all the questions that have been raised so far. I think that’s a reasonable expectation. Right? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmYHHdPq6EQ[/youtube] I think I’m going to have to go back and watch the end of last season before … Continued