A big “Hello” to both of my long-time loyal readers. It’s beena long time, but things are getting back on track and I’m hoping to be able to update this blog a lot more often now. What have I been doing the last few months? Well, working 24/7 basically. But now some of those projects are done, there are new ones starting up, and there’s lots of stuff going on in tech, sports, and overall just “stuff”.
So I’m getting prepped for some soccer World Cup action. A big review (with lots of pics) of my new HTC Evo 4G. Some site upgrades, as this design is a little dated and tired. And anything else I can think of. Check back soon, subscribe to the RSS feed, sit back relax…. and wait till i post again :)
good- now i have something to read when i’m putzing around in technical writing class. hey, you know who has two thumbs and has been updating his blog while you werent? THIS GUY! (me pointing to myself with my thumbs)