I <3 Pants

“You will search the records of the District of Columbia courts in vain for a case of more egregious or willful misconduct,” “Never before in recorded history have a group of defendants engaged in such misleading and unfair business practices.” “I haven’t worn pants with cuffs since the 1970s,” These classic quotes, destined to go … Continued

Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen

DC United loses to Real Salt Lake 2-1. It wasn’t that close. That had to be possibly the worst match I have ever seen DC United play. Ever. Ever. Ever. I am deleting this from my ghetto tivo, I am rubbing a big magnet over my head in the hopes of erasing my memory of … Continued

It is summer right?

I mean, the temperatures gotta be mid 70’s this morning at least. It has been for the past, oh I don’t know, 2 months or so. Every day this week the high is at least 80 degrees, as it was last week… and the week before. So WHY then, does *somebody* keep pushing the thermostat … Continued

I bet this guy got a raise

You know that big shutdown of United airlines flights a couple days ago? United Airlines says human error caused departure system failure. Some guy running a “routine test” broke the system that was built in 1988!

Aussie’s are cool

It’s not just the accent, although I’m sure that played a part in this scenario. According to this article from theage.com.au in 2004 a team from the Australian Defense Force boarded a grounded cargo ship in the Persian Gulf, and then encountered a standoff with the Iranian Navy as they were leaving. Apparently, the one … Continued