Yelp = Yahoo? has reportedly turned down an offer from Google for over $500million (everybody says “half a billion dollars!!!” to make it sound bigger). Hmmm. If you haven’t heard of Yelp, seriously, what rock are you living under? Arguably the best place on the net to find reviews of restaurants, businesses, etc. It’s the place to … Continued

2010 World Cup Draw

I was lucky enough to be working remotely today so I was able to watch the draw live. I was hoping the US wouldn’t get caught in a bad group, and I think they did OK. Although you can NEVER count out (or in) any team in this tournament, I like the odds of the … Continued

Internet Surveillance

Oh you thought Big Brother was just a story in a book did you? Interesting posting from Christopher Soghoian on his blog slight paranoia. “8 million Reasons for Real Surveillance Oversight” Here’s a little snapshot from the article (emphasis mine): Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with its customers’ (GPS) location information over 8 million … Continued

Street Soccer

Got this from Freddy Adu‘s Twitter… Some sick, SICK I say, ball skills on display (the music ain’t bad either). BUT. To all of those defenders… Have you never heard of the phrase “Never both.”? Meaning, it’s either the man or the ball. Never Both. [youtube width=”560″ height=”330″][/youtube]