I chuckled, I chortled, I laughed out loud while reading Peter Welch’s post “Programming Sucks”. I highly recommend you take a few minutes to read it, and not just if you’re a developer. I found lots of analogies with my current line of work and I’m sure you will too.
Can we stop denying Global Warming now?
I always get a chuckle out of folks who pull some random study discovered in the hinterlands of the internet that “proves” global warming is a myth. The proof is right in front of you, data (read “facts”) back it up, and the consensus among scientists is that Global Warming is real, we caused it, … Continued
Have you been pwned?
You’ve certainly heard about the many companies that have been hacked and your passwords, emails, and sometimes other data get leaked onto the internet. It’s not a great thing for the company, but it’s REALLY bad for you, the consumer. If you use that same email or password on multiple sites (which many people do) … Continued
Newegg survives patent suit, takes one for the team
In an welcome display of common sense, the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of an appeal of a decision of a lawsuit brought on by a patent troll, excuse me, I mean a “non-practicing entity”. If you hadn’t heard, the company known as Soverain Software bought some patents from a company who bought some … Continued
Commentary: TSA, change the airport security mindset
CNN has an article written by Kip Hawley on TSA changes that he feels needs to be made. Hawley was in charge of the TSA from 2005-2009 and instituted many of the stupid “security theater” practices that he now says should change. I’ll avoid the irony of that and instead focus on the content of … Continued