Folks, I have just watched this video half a dozen times. It gets better. Every. Single. Time.

I first learned about the video from Ain’t It Cool News, which directed me to some tweets I hadn’t seen before showcasing the little rivalry between Bad Robot and Zak Snyder. I recommend you check those links out as well.

What grabs me is there is SUCH detail in the Millenium Falcon shown here. The old girl looks like she’s been around the block a few times. There is dust, dirt, grime, scuffs, scratches, chipped paint, scorch marks. It looks like someone has taken a hammer to it now & again. Although I could be wrong, it doesn’t look CG, it looks real. It appears like it’s on the set over at Greenham Common that has circulated recently thanks to some drone footage and tweets like the one below. I’m glad to see Star Wars VII seems to be getting off on the right foot.

If I am guessing correctly, I’ll bet they only finish half of the falcon and CG the rest. I mean, who ever looks at the far side anyway? So the video above was very craftily maneuvered so that it didn’t show any of the wood framework as shown in the leaked pics. Very low-budget (yet effective) teaser trailer for a movie coming out next year and a pleasant surprise at an exquisite Easter Egg.

Some screen captures of the video are below (I just paused the video to take these). Click for full 1920×1080 images.

Opening shot from the video shows the side of the Millenium Falcon near the cockpit and hatch
Side view of the Millenium Falcon as the camera pans towards the front
Side view of the Millenium Falcon as the camera pans towards the front
Underneath the forward mandibles of the Millenium Falcon.
Underneath the forward mandibles of the Millenium Falcon.
Close up view. Is that... Could it be... Batman's Tumbler (aka Batmobile)?
Close up view. Is that… Could it be… Batman’s Tumbler (aka Batmobile)?