I was going to call today’s post “Thursday Movies”, but there is more than movies here, so hence the change to “videos”. So lets start with the first “video” shall we?

You guys (should) know about the upcoming DTV transition this February. It’s where over-the-air signals will cease analog transmission, and become digital ONLY. What does that mean? Anyone who still uses rabbit ears to watch TV will need to get a new antenna, or switch to cable or satellite TV. If you’re already on cable or satellite, then you’ve got nothing to worry about. This swtich has caused lots of confusion, especially since many retail stores were trying to convince you that the switchover meant you needed a NEW TV. Which, of course, is patently false. So this first video is an amusing Public Service Annoucement.


Next up, Keanu Reeve’s upcoming movie is a remake of “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. I only vaguely remember the movie (I’ll have to go rent it), but Keanu is perfect in his role of a seriously monotone alien who is here to tell Earth to make nice, or suffer the consequences. The CG looks pretty good in this trailer, although I’m not sure if the rest of the movie is any good. Here’s a 5min clip via Yahoo! Movies.

Speaking of aliens… Obama’s got a new commercial making the rounds in the internetwebs. Basically, it shows a few quotes from McCain dating back from 2005 through 2007 in which he says (paraphrasing) that he doesn’t know much about economics, so he’ll have to pick a VP that knows a lot about that topic. Then it shows Palin winking. Pretty good comercial if you ask me. I still don’t understand -why- McCain chose Palin. I don’t see any distinguishing atributes (other than looking like Tina Fey) that other republicans couldn’t have brought to the table. Here’s the link via Brightcove or watch the embed below.

In some more politically motivated stuff (although no video this time) the McCain campaign is tying Obama to *another* terrorist. Whether or not the guy is a terrorist, I can’t say. However, the article points out that McCain contributed over $500k to his organization…

OK, enough about that… BORING. How about some… Samuel Jackson! Samuel Jackson tells Variety (via AICN) that he’s going to play the role of Sho’Nuff The Shogun of Harlem in the update to the movie The Last Dragon. Looks pretty campy and will fit on my movie shelf right next to Snakes On A Plane. Here’s the original Sho’Nuff.


This next bit is quite possibly the neatest video game idea I’ve seen in a LONG TIME. Called the Unfinished Swan, you start out in a completely white world. You see what’s around you by spraying around black paint balls. Where the paint balls land and spread paint, thats how you see the world. I know it sounds a bit off, but really… trust me you have to see this. At first I thought it was neat and all, but just gimmicky. Then they changed the music… To a creepy tune. And then you really get scared as you have no idea what is around you. Check the link which has the video and some screenshots here.

The Unfinished Swan – Tech Demo 9/2008 from Ian Dallas on Vimeo.

There is something very surreal seeing Isabella’s Rossellini dry hump a cardboard cutout and then say “without my ***** I would bleed to death”… (pssst. It’s Green Porno)
